matlon GmbH
creativity, technology and innovation
As a kid, whenever someone asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d always say, ‘an inventor.’ Here, I am documenting my projects. So stay tuned and follow me as the website grows!
- 2025-03-06: docGPT is an AI web tool for writing reports or documents.
- 2025-01-31: mts ermöglicht Leistungserbringern, Rechnungen aus ihrem bestehenden CMS/ERP im GeneralInvoice-XML-Format auf elektronischem Weg via MediData an die Invalidenversicherung (IV) zu senden
- 2024-11-16: Running Wheel Tracker Pet cage upgraded for the IoT era
- 2024-11-14: Andri’s CV Joyfully bound to the endless journey of learning
- 2024-11-08: chat-export, 2024- My father asked me how he could print his WhatsApp chat history with my late brother. I had to realize that this was not possible, and there was no useful free tool to archive or print a chat in a nice format. So, I wrote one.
- 2024-11-10: Anelec, 1985-1990 My first company at the age of 12
- 2024-11-04: batGPT, 2024- Write assessment reports for assistive technologies using AI
- 2024-11-03: Brainwaver: Pink Noise, 2013 Nothing but binaural pink noise to get into the flow and focus
- 2024-11-02: Dino Stampf Deep Learning, 2017 Pre-LLM AI generated pseudo-Swiss German lyrics
- 2024-11-01: VisualMix, 2022 Mix and arrangement of a song visualized
- 2024-10-31: current, 2023 - Shop and App backend
- 2024-10-30: legacy, 2009 - 2023 CRM, shop, CD burner automation, accounting, and more
- 2024-10-29: Gschichtefritz App, 2020 - Gschichtefritz audiobook player app for iOS and Android
- 2024-10-28: Gschichtefritz, 2009 - Audio stories with songs for children
- 2024-10-27: Ohr, 1992 - 1994 Ear trainer for musicians
- 2024-10-26: WiiMIDIi, 2007 - 2008 Using a Nintendo Wiimote for guitar motion sensing and converting accelerometer data to MIDI
- 2024-10-25: Teltax, 1995 - 1999 Dial-In modem costs calculator and splitter
- 2024-10-24: Patient, 1991 - 1994 was the first program I wrote to be used productively: A patient management software for my mom.
- 2024-10-23: PublicSecrets, 1997 - 2007 was a mix of social networking and productivity platform.